ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement is the first and only supplement on the market certified to contain active redox signaling molecules, powerful cellular messengers that help protect, rejuvenate, and restore cells. These molecules, native to the human body, are created through a groundbreaking, patented process that reorganizes molecules of natural salt and purified water into redox signaling molecules.

The Redox

hat if there were a simple way to address this cellular breakdown? Not just mask the symptoms, but actually attack problems at the source—the genetic level?

There is. ASEA has developed a unique breakthrough product technology that has been scientifically tested and shown to signal the activation of genetic pathways or affect genes that:

  • Improve immune system health

  • Help maintain a healthy inflammatory response

  • Help maintain cardiovascular health and support arterial elasticity

  • Improve gut health and digestive enzyme production

  • Modulate hormone balance to support vitality and wellness

What Are Your Cells Telling You?

Cell signaling in your body plays a key role in regulating gene expression. We’re not talking eye color here—your genes do much more than dictate physical characteristics. Genes give life-sustaining instructions to cells, and cells carry out those instructions to keep you alive and healthy. As we age, cell communication breaks down, the signal weakens, and gene expression can be disrupted. Regulating gene activity with redox signaling molecules

keeps cellular communication strong.

  • Power Your Life

    Drinking ASEA REDOX every day is such a
    simple thing to do, and it enhances the ability of every cell in your body to facilitate positive gene expression, allowing you to experience the vitality of true health and wellness.

  • The Only One with Redox

    ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement affects health atthe genetic level. It is the only redox supplement certified to contain active redox signaling molecules.

  • Achieve Your Health Potential

    Are you ready to experience ASEA REDOX for yourself? To find out more, talk to the person who shared this brochure with you. They can also tell you how to experience the benefits of redox signaling topically with the RENU Advanced Skincare system.